The Pwn2Own hacker contest that began two days ago has been highlighting the bugs in its participants.
The latest ones to have been slammed are the iPhone 4 and Blackberry torch. Apple's iPhone 4 was hacked by the four-time Pwn2Own winner, Charlie Miller using a drive-by download attack that detected bugs in its Safari browser. Charlie Miller in less than a week used the same technique with which he had discovered bugs in Mac's Safari browser. According to contest diktats, he walked away with $15,000 and the coveted iPhone that he had cracked.
Blackberry, on the other hand, was exposed by Willem Pinckaers and Vincenzo Iozzo, who gained access to the entire contact list from the Blackberry with the photos and dumped them onto a memory card. They did so by very stealthily built up a website taking all the shortcomings of the phone and its browsers and managed a breakthrough.
Internet browsers – Safari and Internet Explorer were crushed on the very first day of the hacking competition. Chrome, however, remains untouched.
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